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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Action research survey link

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What is THAT?

Ok, I guess it's time to follow my own advice with titles, huh?  :) 

Today in class, we had one of two "last chance" efforts to refresh for CRCT.  We completed part of/all of (depending) a CRCT post-test from our trusty Coach books.  You graded it yourselves and problem solved/questioned to decide why you missed questions.  Most of you did pretty well on that, so I suspect tomorrow, when we complete the second post-test, you'll have some questions, but will see no questions that leave you stressed and screaming, "Miss Chaffin!  What is THAT?"

For those of you who read the blog, here's a little preview of the book options for our upcoming lit circles.  Be thinking about which is your first, second, and third option!  I'll post the handout soon.  Permission slips are also on the way.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

LEVEL: 4.0/600 Lexile

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

LEVEL: 5.4 /1180 Lexile

So B. It

LEVEL: 5.0 /1180 Lexile

The House of the Scorpion

LEVEL: 6.1/ 660 Lexile

We Beat the Street


LEVEL: 5.2/ 860 Lexile

Into the Wild


LEVEL: 9.0/ 1270 Lexile

Today in Class

Today in class, we presented our soundtrack projects.  Most of you put a lot of thought into these projects!  I hope you can look back in a few years and "remember when." 

Thanks for your hard work!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today in class

Today in class, we answered the essential questions:
•what is inferencing?
•How can I look critically at poetry or any other type of writing?

Handouts from today include the warm ups, making inferences, and poetry overview.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today in Class

We started the soundtracks of your lives!  I can't wait to hear what you come up with!

Class Today

In class today, we worked on our narratives!  See the narratives link in the sidebar for the standards we looked at in class. 

I also added a link to our warm-ups for this week!

Friday, April 1, 2011

In Class Today

We turned in warm ups and worked on our respective films.

Have a wonderful Spring Break!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today in Class--8th ELA

Today in class, we're going over the sentence structure quiz you took yesterday.  See the handouts sidebar. 

We're also continuing The Outsiders film and working on Chapter Seven of the novel.  This is such a classic story!  We'll see how the directors of the film handled the fire scene today. 
  • Why do directors sometimes make different decisions than authors about the way they present stories? 
  • If you directed a "today" version of the movie, what would you change?

Today in Class

Today, in class, we continued watching the film version of To Kill a Mockingbird.
  • Why do directors make the decisions they do?  For example, why would this director comine the characters of Miss Rachel and Miss Stephanie?  Why do we see the Atticus & Football Scene so much earlier than we do in the novel?
  • How do directors show the characters' character without being able to use the inner dialogue (thoughts) that writers use?
We're also continuing to prepare for the CRCT.  Today in class, we're checking the 2011 Sentence Structure Practice.  See the handouts link in the sidebar!

TEN regular class days until CRCT!  You can do it!

The Website is Unblocked!

Please stay tuned for regular posts!